Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Eve

We got up super early on Friday morning (okay, 8:00) because we had tickets to see an art exhibit that I have been wanting to see for a long time. It's called "Vatican Splendors" and features artwork from the Vatican. I'm not Catholic or even religious, but I DO love Italian Renaissance art. It was kind of disappointing though. There is so much demand to see the exhibit and they let in way too many people at a time. It was claustrophobic and hot, and people were being pushy. I think the $40 we paid to get in should have at least included air to breath. Ah well.

Then we went out to lunch at one of our favorite sandwich shops which has the best fries on earth. We knew it would be a long time before we got to chow down on greasy carb-filled foods so we took advantage. So long 2010.

That night we just went to my friend's apartment for yummy food, board games and Guitar Hero. I love having relaxed and casual New Years Eves.  I've done the "get dressed up, pay a million dollars to go to a packed and sweaty club" a few too many times. The girls played nerdy word games, the guys sat around and talked about man things, we ate things wrapped in bacon. This was the perfect night. Did anyone else see Dick Clark struggling to speak because of his stroke? It made me so sad, the end of an era. I made it past midnight but at 1:15 all I could think about was my bed. So my DD (husband) drove us home. This cell phone pic pretty much captures my night:

Champagne, Champagne of Beers, jello shots

On New Year's day, we sat around all morning/afternoon, watching movies and drifting in and out of consciousness. In the evening, we went to a friend's house to watch the hockey game. These are our best guy friends, who we refer to as our children. We love them, but they have a lot of growing up to do. We walked in the door and our jaws dropped. There were beer cans, pizza crusts, half empty bottles of liquor and cigarettes strewn all over the place. Everyone was in various states of undress. There were two strange girls draped across the couch and everyone was out of control drunk.  It was kind of hilarious to be a sober witness to this. I'm kind of glad that we decided NOT to hang out with them on New Year's eve. We did last year, and the year ended with one person in the hospital, an apartment covered in blood and the worst hangover ever.


  1. LOL I remember going to parties in college and I LOVED it when people had those fridge magnets! lol...

  2. yeah, we kept it really mellow this year. it's nice knowing you won't be terribly hung over the next day and there won't be visits to the hospital. :/

  3. ps thank you for allowing me to sign in with name/url!!!
